Take Control of Critical Incidents with Unparalleled Efficiency

A Platform that Puts You in Control

At Attronica.ai, we understand that when a critical incident strikes your business, every second counts. That's why we've partnered with exigence.io to provide a unique software platform that empowers you to take control, ensuring you are prepared to resolve every incident with absolute clarity, structure, and speed with the tools you need.

Our collaborative effort combines the experience and expertise of attronica.ai and exigence.io to offer a revolutionary incident management solution. Whether you face technology operations issues, security threats, or need to conduct drills and business continuity tests, our platform's orchestration and process efficiency have you covered. With the Exigence platform, you'll regain full control over critical incidents and transform unstructured chaos into a well-organized, easily manageable situation.

From Trigger to Resolution

Your Incident Workflow Simplified

Our platform addresses every aspect of the incident workflow, from the moment a critical incident is detected to its resolution and automated reporting. Here's how it works:

  • Critical Incident Detection: When a critical incident is detected, the Exigence software tool is automatically triggered.

  • Automated Onboarding: Attroncia.ai ensures the seamless onboarding and alignment of your incident response team on the Exigence Software platform. 

  • Incident Orchestration: Automated incident orchestration commences, streamlining complex workflows.

  • Resolution & Reporting: The incident is resolved with precision, and reporting is automated for your convenience.

Seamlessly Integrated with Your Trusted Systems

The Exigence software platform can execute critical incident management actions directly and seamlessly integrate with all the trusted systems you use today, as well as those you may adopt in the future. The platform is open, system-agnostic, and connected via APIs with any organizational system, ensuring compatibility and flexibility.

Simplicity & Clarity at Your Fingertips

  • Simple and Clear Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard displays all incident management tasks and actions, providing a clear overview of the situation.

  • Integrated Interface: Access every aspect of the incident through a single, integrated interface for efficient management.

  • Centralized Knowledge Repository: Store and access real-time knowledge in one centralized repository.

  • Multi-Device Access: Our platform is available on all user devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktops, ensuring you can manage incidents from anywhere.

  • SaaS-Based (Amazon AWS): We utilize Amazon AWS to provide a secure and scalable software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution.

Turn Chaos into Structure with Attronica.ai & Exigence.io

When it comes to critical incident management, attronica.ai and exigence.io are your trusted partners. We offer a platform that empowers your organization to take control of critical incidents and manage them with clarity, structure, and speed. Don't let incidents disrupt your business – partner with us and be prepared for anything.

Contact Us to learn more and take the first step towards a more secure and efficient critical incident management process.